Shanae delivers her part piping hot to your doorstep. Fast and fresh, it aint no Digiorno. Just full-force Sheezy style from start to finish, out there tearing a pepperoni hole in Melbourne-area parks and street spots.

In 2016 our friend Monica Shaw met Anshu while on a skate trip in India with 12 other non-trad skaters from around the world. Recently, she asked us to spread the word that Anshu is in immediate need of medical assistance to remove a rod from her leg that was placed due to a skateboarding injury.

Shanae Collins. Every crowd’s favorite, king of the Queen T-shirt, master guitar riffer and much, much more. OJs had a wheely fun day rolling around with the big SHEEZ to a few of her Melbourne go-tos. Check it out as they navigate espresso foam, parking fees, and mangle coping at the St. Kilda skatepark and shred around a couple rad COVID-era DIYs. This is juice worth the squeeze.
Australia Fire Fundraiser in Long Beach!

“Watching places we had vacationed to burning to the ground on social media, hearing friends stories of being evacuated from their homes & the sounds of koalas screaming became overwhelming. We just had to do something to help our land, people and animals.”
Skating Around Climate Change

When the homie Poppy Starr jumped into the ocean recently in her hometown of Newcastle, 100 miles north of Sydney in the burning State of New South Wales, she emerged covered in ash. “Felt like an apocalypse, end of the world type stuff.” Like the majority of cities in Australia, Newcastle sits on the coastline & benefits from offshore winds decreasing the accumulation of smoke.
Shari White, Ma Chérie

There’s a supernatural space highway that takes skateboarders from Australia to Vancouver BC and back. Americans don’t know many details of this classified passage, it’s only available to people with socialized health care.
Call Me Mom; Amy Caron’s Journey to World Champion

So we get on the plane and that was when I discovered alcohol is free on International flights. Because Dave Carnie ordered BEER after BEER after BEER for 14 hours straight.