
Fast and fresh, it aint no Digiorno. Just full-force Sheezy style from start to finish, out there tearing a pepperoni hole in Melbourne-area parks and street spots.

“Beyond stoked” could be a name alternative for Sheezy’s long-awaited Thrasher edit, because that’s how us and countless other fans felt when this thing finally dropped. And bitch, this one DO. NOT. DISSAPOINT. 


Shanae delivers her part piping hot to your doorstep. Fast and fresh, it aint no Digiorno. Just a full-force Sheezy slice from start to finish, out there tearing a pepperoni hole in Melbourne-area parks and street spots. And like an ice-cold Coors, it’s super refreshing and light on tricks. Didn’t get the memo? It’s 2022 – tricks are for kids. And influencers. 


Sheezy’s doesn’t ollie the usual way. What she’s got is a power ollie. And I’ve heard her frontside 5-0s described as #1 in skateboarding by industry suits. This is the antithesis of clip-grab culture- 100% authentic, original and impossible to replicate. Her money don’t “jiggle jiggle,” but those loose trucks sure do! 


There is no ignoring the irony of who we call an “influencer” if you think about it. Because a makeup tutorial seems comically irrelevant when compared to a walking, riding, roll model like Shanae. She When we started BIGFOOT, she was one of the premier people we featured, first in Amy’s “Postcards from the Ledge” COVID interview series then as the cover of our first print issue. The reason? Because Sheezy is just the best; approachable, compassionate, authentic- not to mention just amazing on a skateboard. it’s like a chicken/egg thing, does being fucking rad make a person good at skating, or does skating make a person fucking rad? Recently, anti-trans activist and far right news pundit Taylor Silverman served us a flatulent reminder that ANYONE can step on a board with wheels on it. But NOBODY can ever replicate a mullet flowing, joke cracking, Queen shirt collecting, honest and faithful person like Sheezy. The gal with grinds as long as a lizard’s gizzard and as loud as Satan with a stubbed toe. THIS is the one you want your kids to watch. 


I haven’t posted Sheezy’s cover interview online yet because I’m unsure if she’s even seen it, and that would seem rude. I tried sending her and Wade McLaughlin packages three times after it came out and they got sent back because some dingo ate Australia’s mailman. So apologies friend, I’m going to give it another shot tomorrow. Thank you for your patience, enthusiasm, support and presence on this earth, you are a damn rip-riding miracle and we couldn’t be happier for you.  -Migzy
