Looking to get inspired to kick off 2022? Leave that up to Natalie Krishna Das. With her third pro model coming out this month (#DASTRONAUTiii) she is blasting off with this @spookygirlart Barbarella-inspired board sponsored by Riot Style.
We are so glad little brother Neal left his board at her mom’s house and where she picked it up when she was 16. “I never put it down,” says Natalie.
After receiving a gold medal at Poseiden Foundation’s Ladies Day at The Berrics in the Masters Division in both 2019 and 2021 and heading to The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. recently to show a film that she produced titled “USA East to West, Women in Action Sports” we’re excited to watch what 2022 has in store for this queen.
I’m so stoked to be able to share art from one of my favorite artists on a fun toy for everyone to enjoy.
Name: Natalie Krishna Das
Age: 39
Pronouns: She/Her
Hometown: Humboldt CA
Current Location: Eureka, CA
Day job: Market Rep for Long Drink, Event Coordinator, and Pro Skateboarder.
Signature Trick: Getting sponsors
Catch Phrase: Let’s go sk8 yo!
What is the last thing you saw that made you laugh really hard? Sex Education on Netflix.
Something else cool about you? I used to sail in regattas (sailing contests) before I started skateboarding.
Three things you can’t live without? Coffee, traveling, family.
What are you most proud of? I’m most proud of my little family and home that my husband and I have created here in Humboldt.
Anything else you would like to share?
I’ve just created my second online course. My first course is live via The University of Arizona called “Skateboard Parks 101.” My second class is titled, “So you want sponsors?!” it gives full details on how to obtain sponsors for yourself or for your events. Contact me for more details. Www.NatalieKrishnaDas.com