Breaking News! World Skate Announces That Rio Qualifier Has Been Canceled!
Athletes from all over the world have been in Rio getting ready to compete in the first Olympic Park Street Qualifier, and it was just announced moments ago that World Skate has now canceled the event.
Amelia Broadka Channels her Polish Roots in New Pro Part
Dew Tour Live Broadcast Schedule
Time to do the Dew! Lots of opportunities to get in on the action in Des Moines, from the comfort of your own home!! Schedules are subject to change and will be updated.
Amy Caron and Shanae Collins discuss skateboarding, the cancelled 2020 Olympics, watching reality tv during the pandemic, tips for good hair and the viability of funding a professional skateboarding career by selling dirty panties online.
REVIEW: Olympic Skateboarding Uniforms with Marisa dal Santo
To form our opinion, we asked the most stylish person we know, skateboarder/fashionista Marisa dal Santo for some of her wisdom. Since she stopped sacrificing her body to stair counts, Marisa has been developing her super dope and extremely popular vintage clothing business, GenXtravaganza.
2020 USA Olympic Women’s Skate has a Posse!!
The true origins of the Olympic Games are a mystery, but mythology states the games were founded by Hercules and his father Zeus, around 776 BC. Chariot races and primitive versions of discus and other track and field events were celebrated with excessive revelry, alongside ritual sacrifices of those with less agility.
Alex White for Olympic Commentator Petition
As skateboarding makes its historical debut in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, we are calling for NBC Sports to hire skateboarding legend Alex White to provide commentary for the women’s broadcasts. As skateboarders, we believe that nobody is more well-equipped and deserving of this important role. Alex is a ripping skater who entered the scene at early age when female skateboarders were scarce. In following years, she proved herself as a leader in making the sport more accessible to girls and women worldwide. She has the talent, insider knowledge and perfect timing to reflect our sport in the greatest, most authentic way possible as it debuts on the world stage.
Alex White Invented the Meme
We only exchanged a few words but I remembered her well because she stood out; so small, pretty and kind- and SO gnarly. If I wasn’t watching her tear the skatepark to shreds, it was easy to picture her playing third chair clarinet in high school band. Instead of skating the course the “traditional” way at Slam, at one point I remember her ollieing off the deck of one of the ramps, like 8 feet to flat. I had never seen an American Girl Doll skate like that!