To celebrate the release of ISSUE #3 TEENSkater, we are hosting an event series at some of the best DIY skateparks on the west coast! “TRY.DIY” – because teenager or not, you’re still “Totally Radical and still Young” (at heart!)
Each event consists of a 2-3 hour early-afternoon skate session at a DIY followed by a party somewhere close. And as with all our events, everyone of every gender, age, ability etc. is welcome and encouraged to join in on the fun.
TRY.DIY jumps off in San Diego where we’re partnering with Jen Smith, owner of Soul Grind Skateshop! A Sunday funday brunch session will go down at Washington Street DIY (WSVT) from 1-3pm (ish) followed by an afterparty at Soul Grind in Pacific Beach from 4-7pm (ish) where there we’ll be grillin’, chillin’, and rafflin’, plus showing a supercut of all your favorite old and new non-trad skate films on an outdoor screen!
The second event goes down in our local zone, San Pedro/Long Beach on December 17th, with a session at the newly-opened and super amazing Channel Street Skatepark, with a Holiday-themed afterparty at our studio in Long Beach! Queen of the skate pant MAMASKATE will be there selling her wares, and there are lots more fun and surprises in store, so roll thru!
Stay tuned for updates on the next 3 events at Burnside, Marginal Way and Lower Bobs (or Treasure Island.)

Sandwiched in this DIY radness is a very special event on December 10th at our Long Beach Studios, put on by our amazing friends from Board 2 Tears! 50+ boards have been submitted for the show, and the crew has a ton of other stuff planned. We can’t wait to see all these amazing works, not to mention, wonderful faces! Show up!