
The Trooper: Trixie Trujillo Steady Mommin’

Jake Phelps gave me that name and didn’t give me a chance to change it. We started the band on my birthday; they came down to see my play one of my last shows in LA with this other band I was playing with called “The Deadutantes.” It was psychobilly weirdness. The show was at the Knitting Factory. Jake and Tony were down there so we went out afterwards. We went to some hotel and thrashed this room and started talking about starting a band. We ended up calling it “Bad Shit.”

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Rip Ride Rager, LC Style

When you’re in Lincoln City, expect to go big. Drink 10 beers and then drop in on a 12 foot concrete bowl? Sure! Fall asleep next to a bonfire on the beach and wake up early morning having burrowed your own hole in the sand to stay warm? Duh. Meet some cougars and drink all the alcohol at their husband’s mansion with a guy named Captain Booyah? Just another Tuesday in LC. 

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