
KRUX Brand Manager Alex White just wrapped up the work week with a major email mic drop, announcing she has hired Kristin Ebeling as Team Manager. Alex has been on the grind over at NHS for the last year, building the KRUX team into one of the most diverse, talented groups in skateboarding. With the addition of KEBS, there is no doubt KRUX is the cream that will continue rising to the top.

We are so proud to announce Kristin Ebeling as the new team manager for Krux Trucks. Kristin is a professional skater for Meow and the current Executive Director of Skate Like a Girl. Her experience as a youth mentor, activist and skateboarder inform her unique approach to improving equity and access to skateboarding and inspires nontraditional skaters globally. Kristin is one of the editors of The Skate Witches, a contributor to Vent City Podcast and a panelist for events like Pushing Boarders. She will be a vital asset for Krux in 2021 as we grow our team and spread the message of love and inclusion in skateboarding.

And in more good news, while her role at SLAG will evolve to accommodate this new position, Kristin will remain Executive Director at Skate Like a Girl. This will come as a huge relief to many supporters of the popular non-profit. Kristin started  as a volunteer at SLAG at age 17 and became Executive Director in 2014. She runs the organization like a well-oiled machine, leading a dozen of employees, hundreds of volunteers, and introducing skateboarding into thousands of young lives. Kristin also created the people’s favorite non-trad event, “Wheels of Fortune,” the Woodstock of the non-traditional skateboarding community.


CONGRATS KRISTIN AND ALEX! (And serious congrats to NHS, they have a couple fuckin’ champs working over there, ooooweeee!)  -Migz

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