Candy Jacobs is on the Knee Bend Mend

Dutch destroyer, Candy Jacobs is currently recovering from knee surgery. From her current post at home in the Netherlands, knee up, dogs on standby:


I got a keyhole surgery. Messed up my knee in the streets. Tore my meniscus, a bunch of cartilage, had some floating bones and they took out a suprapatellar septum which made my knee lock. They fixed what they could and now hope the result is what we anticipated? Expectation is I will be back on my board in about two months and hopefully able to take impact in around three months.

In other words, this is a pretty decent diagnosis! Ligaments were spared and she got her meniscus all trimmed up. Great to hear. This legend will be back to “Candy Crushing” in no time. No better time than the COVID era to take some down time. Word on the street is that Candy will be recovering at the Dutch National Soccer campus with the help of the best physical therapist in the country, so she’s super stoked on that! If everything goes according to plan, Candy should be back at 100% in time to compete in the 2021 Olympics, skateboarding’s (postponed) debut on the #1 world stage.


Candy has been skating in contests all over the world for a decade. However, until she joined the elite Krux team last year, she never had a legit sponsorship deal. She has worked hard AF for everything she’s got. This crowdfunding campaign video is a reminder of how impossible being a female pro skater was a short time ago. Candy’s top spot in the game was hard earned and she will not be discouraged by a mere meniscus mishap. Healing vibes!  -Migz


Get to know Candy Jacobs on a new level in this edition of Krux Kribs!