
We had the best little benefit last Saturday night and I have so many people to thank. We raised and sold $555 worth of raffle tickets and goods, which will all go directly to the printing costs of Issue #3, which I’m currently working on non-stop to debut at Exposure on Oct. 22nd. 


SO MUCH appreciation due to each and every person that came and donated stuff for the raffle but I’ll start with our performers Amy Caron, Bryce Wettstein and Liv, who came to sing alongside in the most fab western outfit I’ve ever seen. I knew all these performers were good, but I wasn’t really expecting how good they’d be, the sound was awesome. Amy is beginning a new musical chapter in life and is available for booking inquiries, get at her on IG at @amycaron! You won’t be disappointed, Amy is extremely talented and even sang in her family band “Generation Gap” as a child. Bryce is of course just such an amazing and talented performer, I’m surprised we were able to book her, I’m predicting her schedule will be filling up very soon, she is really, really wonderful. 


Special thanks also owed to Cindy Whitehead, who has been the best advocate, friend and supporter of what we’re doing since I met her just a few short months ago. I just love Cindy- I don’t know if the world even understands her awesomeness and what she creates through her non-profit Girl Is Not A 4 Letter Word. Check out the front page to see Cindy’s featured GN4LW newsfeed! She is keeping better tabs on the news and events that pertain to our corner of skateboarding than anyone out there. But more on that later. Her professional badass photographer husband Ian also came and generously offered his photography skills, thank you so much Ian!! CHECK OUT THE GALLERY HERE


Videographer Monique O’Toole aka “Monique the Beat” showed up with her camera too, we will be working with Momo on more projects in the near future so stay tuned!


Finally, huge thanks go to the sponsors who threw in goods for the party and raffle- the whole thing was put together on short notice so we really owe shout outs to LIQUID DEATH (huge thanks to Poli for driving all the way out to Long Beach to drop off the LD.) Vans (THANK YOU CIERRA!) My skate buddy from back in the day Ginger who is keeping it spicy making delicious Chili Royale up in Oregon! Jessie from Shred Cycle came and threw stuff in for the raffle, and also donated (WHAT JESSIE) and Wiener dog aficionados (and homies from Portland) BEAN GOODS threw in some of their ultra cute dog n’ human goods. A bunch of BeautyGARDE nail polish from our friend Nonie Creme (as seen in Issue #2 “Marginal Millionaire”) Also, one of the best restaurants in Downtown Long Beach Padre, and Volcom provided the grand prize, a $250 shopping spree.  


Thank you thank you thank you. I couldn’t (and wouldn’t) do any of this without this wonderful community. Your support and friendship truly means everything!  -Migzy

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