
When it comes to pants, BIGFOOT means business and so does Marissa Martinez, aka Mamaskate. Through skateboarding, some friendly guidance and a carefully thought-out dream, Marissa turned her pant-fit fantasies into reality. Mamaskate began in a Long Beach apartment and is now conveniently located at The Berrics, an ideal location to put her products to the test during lunch break. Step into this special world one leg at a time; you will find loads of ambition and plentiful pockets, deep as the founder’s soul. You can skate in them, break in them, and fill them up with enough chapstick for the whole squad.

How did Mamaskate start and why? 

Mamaskate started as my Insta. I took the first two letters of my first and last name. It also pays homage to my mom, Lee’Ann. She passed when I was 11. I started skating about 15 years ago with my cousins and sisters. At 18 I knew I wanted to make skate pants with deep pockets, I just didn’t know how yet. In college I filmed a video part and got guardianship of my little sisters. On the side I learned how to make pants from my friend Hali @choncordiaskateboards with my sis Lydia @skatekittttyyy. I’d book skate commercial work and use that money towards fabric, patterns, and samples. From there made small runs and sold pants by word of mouth and at skate competitions. End of March 2019 I rolled my ankle skating stairs and l wasn’t able to work or skate for months. I set up my online store with the help of Gianna @mahatmagianna, Lisa @lisawhtkr, and the folks at the Shopify LA space. My team of ladies and production shop are in the heart of the fashion district in downtown Los Angeles. Once I launched the site, I started making pants full time and decided to make the move from Long Beach to LA to be closer to work. About after a year living in LA, I got a really cool opportunity to move my pants out of my apartment and into The Berrics where I now have an office space. 


I wasn’t there but I recall you shaving your head at WOF for some extra points- did you just send it or did you have to think that one out? 

I was in a boot at the time of WOF from that same ankle roll, I participated where I could. Shari had clippers in the back of the her boyfriend’s truck. Kristin did the honors, I had to send it. 10 out of 10 recommend.


Where did you grow up? Any favorite spots to hang out? 

I grew up mostly in Carson, CA and spent a few years on the east coast in Maine and New Hampshire. In Carson I would skate with my cousins Cassie, Irie, Savannah, and my sisters Lydia and Sophia. We would skate street or Veterans skate park. My sisters and I were in Foster Care for a bit and went to stay with another auntie in the OC. I got a job working at UC Irvine, I really like skating their spots. Centennial skatepark was my favorite local park to warm up. 

Italy or LA, nothing like kickflipping a canal. PHOTO: NICOLAS DELVALLE

Best sibling story? 

Lydia and I skated in Mamaskate pants with Tony Hawk for an Olympic commercial in downtown LA at this famous tunnel spot I had seen them film a scene from Batman, it was pretty epic. Another one of my favs was when I booked a sisters trip to Spain. Lydia and I blasted Barcelona with 900 Mamaskate booty stickers and filmed clips with our homegirls Andrea, Gianna, Imke, and Veronica. A trip I’ll always remember. 


Favorite LA skate spots? Or most difficult? 

I like to warm up at Vapa, Pecan Park and local schools. I recently skated this gap at UCLA, that thang was a battle.


What is skateboarding for you, and when did you notice a big progression in your skating? 

I feel like I owe this little piece of wood my life. I’m most thankful skating teaches me to live in the moment and focus on what I want. Plus I get to hang with my favorite people, check out new spots, and eat good food. I see improvement traveling and filming video parts fasho. 


We know you’re all about deep pockets just like us, what’s your chapstick measurement? 

We did a field test, results came back: Pockets so deep, you’ll ditch your purse. Chapstick range: 100 per pocket x 4 = 400 total. 


What was the last thing to make you laugh really hard?  

Missy our 1 year old French bull dog busting into my bathroom. She is our wild child. 


Do you wear camo? What’s your favorite kind of camo? For instance- duck camo, snow camo, real tree, etc. 

I’m more of blue, orange, or snow camo kind of gal.


Favorite or funniest celeb sighting?

I met Dennis Rodman at LAX with Le’andre. We just back from our 3 week Midwest skate tour. Dennis was real cool, he smoked his cigar and we talked about skating. We got a photo with him too, he’s a legend. 


Any new goods in the near future? 

I’m working on some fun projects, definitely more pants in the future can’t wait to share stay tuned.


Last but not least, the infamous: How would you describe Mamaskate in 10 words or less? 

Feel good, look good, pants for every booty.

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