By Priest & Shabs

When Cece’s not baking up a storm at 231 West she’s most likely hanging with her awesome wife, or fulfilling the board trifecta – skating, snowboarding and surfing (or both). This all happens within a 10-mile radius by the way!
A well-rounded ripper, you can find her in the streets, sticking a fat boneless in transition, or huck and praying on a vert ramp.
From bombing hills on her board or climbing up the side of them, Cece is always outdoors doing something. Her and her wife love to explore and be adventurous. Nature is their oyster. Rain or shine… 10 degrees or 80, she’s out there getting IT.
On top of being a rad shredder who’s basically one with the board and with nature, she’s a kind, gnarly, and humble human who succeeds at everything she does. Giving back to her community as well, she helps provide inclusivity within the community by hosting a couple girls skate sessions locally.
She’s the queen of Marquette!!
Shout out to all the locals who are making homie edits to keep the Upper Peninsula scene thriving. All my Midwest Breast homies that have been there since the beginning. And my wife, of course.
Name- Cecilia Bachman-Thiel
Age- 24
Pronoun- she/her/hers
Hometown- Midland, MI
Current location- Marquette, MI
Signature trick- I’ve been known to throw down a mean slappy. Or maybe hill bombs… are hill bombs a trick?
Catchphrase- I don’t think I have a catchphrase. But if I do, I’d love for someone to call me out on it.
Sponsors & supporters, physical and spiritual- Shout out to all the locals who are making homie edits to keep the Upper Peninsula scene thriving. All my Midwest Breast homies that have been there since the beginning. And my wife, of course.
What was the last thing that you saw that made you laugh really hard? I dared one of my coworkers to swallow a Whopper (like the candy) whole, and she did. It was impressive.
If Marquette MI was a cocktail, what would it be? Probably beer. Domestic beer. Lots and lots of domestic beer.
Three things you couldn’t live without? My skateboard, snow, and dessert after every meal.
Hows the married life going? So good! We both are skate rats and ski bums. She adds a lot of needed structure to my life and gives me a sense of home. I just get to hang with my best friend all the time. It’s great.
What skater has most inspired your style? Without a doubt, Breana Geering. Her style and trick selection is just so sick. Marisa Dal Santo and Alexis Sablone need mentioning as well.